IGT Sangiovese

Production area:

Greve in Chianti, Impruneta, 15 km south of Florence.


Limestone, with a mix of clay and galestro.

Production per plant:

due to poor soils and grape thinning we manage to produce less than 1 kilo per plant. This low quantity allows the grapes to reach both perfect ripening and phenolic concentration.


100% sangiovese


exclusively by hand, in small crates to keep the fruit intact.
For Ottomani Sangiovese we use exclusively the best bunches (samllsize, perfect ripeness) chosen one by one, coming from vineyards of more than 40 years old.


spontaneous, in concrete vats, with no use of selected yeasts.


last sat least 40 days Long maceration periods, possible only with perfect grapes, allow the extraction of a greater number of phenolic compounds present in the grapes (responsible of colour and structure) and a long aging. During this period the must is subject to several operations such as pumping-over, cap-crushing and delestage. The type and duration of them depend of the needs of the yeasts (O2).


at least 18 months in 20 hl Tuscan oak barrels. During this period the wine matures on the lees, mantained in suspension by lees stirring (batonnage). This allows the release of compounds responsible for wine softeness and structure. The wine carries on malolactic fermentation spontaneously.


the wine is stabilized by cold before bottling. We don’t make filtrations.

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