The farm

Our story begins fifteen years ago.

It is the story of four friends who grew up together, with a great passion in common: wine

After some work experiences at historic farms in Chianti, the desire was born to create our own experience in wine and extra-virgin olive oil production

At first, without great resources or family traditions behind us, we started with a small rented vineyard, producing our wine in a garage.

In search of a name that could best characterize and represent us, one night we found the name Ottomani… like the number of our hands.

Sensitive to ecological sustainability and the conservation of the environment and the winemaking traditions of our region, with strength and dedication we ventured into the creation of a small company that used organic and biodynamic cultivation techniques.

Slowly, but with great determination, we have grown year after year; new hands were added to our dream, and we began to work on new terrains. This has also allowed us to take back into management old vineyards that are more than fifty years old, with historic vines, true monuments of our territory, of which we have proudly become the custodians.

In 2018 we also managed to complete the construction of our new cellar, characterized by eco-sustainable architecture with low environmental impact. The production, vinification and bottling of our wines take place entirely inside.

We can currently count on approximately 15 hectares of land in production, in an area between the municipalities of Greve in Chianti and Impruneta.

The primary objective of our work is to enhance our territory, the grape varieties typical of it and also the winemaking methods. It is essential for us to offer wines that are as natural as possible, with low sulphite content. This is why we pay great attention to both the agronomic part and the selection of the grapes in the vineyard.

The cellar

Our new cellar was inaugurated in 2018 and it is a source of deep pride.

In line with our philosophy, the cellar was designed to minimize the environmental impact, fitting harmoniously within the territory.

We work with steel vats for the vinification of our white and rosé while for the reds we use cement vats, typical of the Tuscan tradition.

We then make three wines in terracotta amphorae made by a master craftsman from Impruneta. This winemaking method is very ancient. Widely used in Roman times, it was then rediscovered in recent decades.

The grapes ferment spontaneously. They are followed daily with punching down, déléstage and pumping over.

During refinement we follow the natural evolution of the wines by doing batonnage and some decanting.

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