Chianti Classico DOCG

Production area:

Greve in Chianti, 17 km south of Firenze, in an area worldwide known for the exceptional quality of its red wines.


Limestone, with a mix of clay and galestro.

Production per plant:

thanks to our rocky soils and the green harvest, we manage to produce less than 1,5 kilos per plant. This low quantity allows the grapes to reach both perfect ripening and phenolic concentration.


100% Sangiovese from 30 years’old vines.


exclusively by hand, in small crates to keep the fruit intact.


spontaneous, in concrete vats, with no use of selected yeasts.


90% destemmed 10% full bunch for 15-25 days. During this period the must is subject to several operations such as pumping-over, cap-crushing and delestage.


14 months in concrete. During this period the wine spontaneously goes through malolactic fermentation.

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