IGT Toscana Bianco

Production area:

Greve in Chianti, Impruneta 15 km south of Florence, in an area worldwide known for the exceptional quality of its wines.


Limestone, with a mix of clay and galestro.

Production per plant:

thanks to our rocky soils and the green harvest, we manage to produce around 2 kilos per plant. This quanty allows to reach a perfect maturation.


Trebbiano 60%, Malvasia bianca 40%. The grapes come exclusively from vineyards of more than 40 years.


exclusively by hand, in small crates to keep the fruit intact. The grapes are hand-picked and the end of august, beginning of september.


spontaneous, conducted by indigenous yeasts naturally present on the grapes; we don’t use selected yeasts.Spontaneous ermentation exalts the typical organoleptic characters of our land that we recover in our wines, and lasts 25-30 days under controlled temperature of 18°-20°.


2-3 days with the skins.


after the fermentation the wine rests in steel for all the winter period.


the wine is stabilized by cold before bottling. Afterward we don’t make filtrations.

IGT Toscana Bianco

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